In a long time…

I haven’t written anything in a long time, which means that I haven’t felt anything in a long time. It has been a long time since I stopped and talked to my wounds. I haven’t spoken to my insecurities, my old lovers, my worries. There has been an absence of pain in my life, and that has been painful. This absence has rendered me speechless. It has robbed me of my art. It has stopped me from desperately reminiscing on scars that no longer hurt and sorrows that are no longer mine. I don’t find myself deluded enough to belive that some tears must be shed and some poetry must be made to honour the sihouettes of the souls who were ripped apart from mine. There isn’t an ache in my heart or an inexplicable agony in my mind. There are no uncertainities, no greys to leave me susceptible to day dreaming. There is no reality to crush my hopes; no setbacks to push me forward. There is nothing. Except silence – in my heart, in my mind, in my pen.

Ridiculously Beautiful

“You are ridiculously beautiful”, he tells me spitting out cigarette smoke into the air. We have just had sex. I am lying there resting my head on his chest. His arms are wrapped around me. I smile. I’ve never learnt to accept compliments.

3 hours ago, this man was a stranger. I didn’t know his last name. Now, he has been inside me. And I have hold of his essence. It started yesterday. I swiped right. He did too. Conversation began. A date was planned. Cigarettes (his). Laughter (ours). Chai (mine). And here I am now, naked in front of a stranger, except he’s not a stranger anymore.

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